Amulya ABC

December 31, 2003

About Candidate

Amulya Kunchala is a 20-year-old with a serious case of wanderlust for knowledge. She is currently studying Business Administration at Woxsen University and specializing in the exciting and ever-evolving field of Digital Marketing and E-commerce.

Amulya’s journey so far has taken her from the HR department, where she discovered her knack for working with people and proved that she can handle a fast-paced work environment without breaking a sweat (or, you know, crying). She has also developed her research skills as a research assistant and has been known to get a little too excited about finding new insights and presenting her findings.

She is always looking for new opportunities to grow and learn, which is why she has taken courses in UI&UX and Digital Marketing out of pure curiosity. Amulya is a positive and happy-go-lucky person who’s always looking for ways to improve and let’s be real, make fewer mistakes.

Amulya is on DigitalMob to connect with like-minded professionals in the fields of Business, UI&UX, and Digital Marketing and to share her journey, knowledge, and the occasional dad jokes. She is here to make some connections, learn a thing or two, and maybe even have a laugh or two along the way!



BBA 2021-2024
ABC University
